Get your friends and family a gift card for my weekly recipe newsletter or my Online Sourdough Bread...
Saffron & Pistachio (Vanille) Kipferl
Thursday, December 17, 2020
A new take on the traditional German Vanillekipferl. ...
Veganes Bananen-Kokos-Miso Eis mit Sesamöl/ Vegan Coconut Banana Miso Nice Cream with Sesame Oil
Tuesday, December 01, 2020
Polish 'Jagodzianki' with Jasmine macerated Blueberries & Thyme
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Hiiii! I'm Kaja and I love to bastardize food. I take recipes that I know from childhood, learned...
bon appetitcookbookcooking inspirationfood inspirationfood newsletternewsletterrecipe bookletweekly food inspiration
Exciting News! I launched a Weekly Recipe Newsletter
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Exciting news! Every Thursday around lunch time you'll receive a recipe newsletter with new and exciting recipes, easy...
belgiumbread bakingcooking classfermentationFranceGermanyItalylevainno yeastno yeast breadonline classonline cooking classpain au levainsauerteigbrotsourdough breadSpainSweden
ONLINE Sourdough Bread Classes
Thursday, April 16, 2020
SOURDOUGH BREAD! Yes everyone bakes it now and it's a hype but once you learned it, you will...