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ONLINE Sourdough Bread Classes
Yes everyone bakes it now and it's a hype but once you learned it, you will NEVER buy bread again. Okay, maybe that crunchy baguette when you're in Paris. But besides that you're basically not dependent on chewy supermarket bread anymore and you won't even need commercial yeast EVER again.
So...I am now giving a live online course via video call. I usually give them in Stockholm, but due to Corona I relocated to online now.
What will I learn?
You'll learn how to build a sourdough starter from scratch, with which you will then be able to bake your very own sourdough bread over and over. I'll also show you how to make your own bread while also explaining different terms that are important for bread baking.
How does it work? How do I sign up?
To sign up, you simply send an email to Once you've signed up, you receive instructions from me on how to build your own sourdough starter, which takes 5-7 days. When your starter is ready, you can join the interactive live class, where I'll show you how to bake bread with your starter, that class takes around 4.5h with breaks.
Where does it take place?
The class takes place on, an online video platform. One class is limited to 15 people and is interactive, meaning that I can answer all questions on the spot and assist you with making your bread. You will be able to see me on video and if you want you can turn on your video, too, so I can check how your dough is doing.
What does it cost?
The class costs 40 Euro or 440 SEK (down from 140 Euro / 1500 SEK for my usual bread classes) and can be paid via Bank transfer, Revolut or Swish. This includes instructions on How to build a sourdough starter, a 4.5-hour class (with breaks) on How to bake Sourdough Bread, a PDF guide to Sourdough Bread Baking and access to my private tutorial Instagram Account @sourdoughsecrets. It also includes assistance in all of your questions via email.
What do I need?
You hardly need anything for it, just flour, water, salt, a bowl, a scale and an oven.