Whether you're a Paris local or just visiting, this guide guides you through my favorite lunch places in the city. No matter if you want to spend a bit more or a bit less money, if you want to go with friends or with your parents, I'm sure you'll find something matching while reading this post.
Ich wünsche euch allen einen guten Morgen an diesem schönen Sonntag! Startet in den Tag mit diesem zuckersüssen Ofenpfannkuchen mit Ahornsirup glasierten Äpfeln.
I wish everyone a great Sunday morning! Kick it off with this delicious Dutch Baby Pancake topped with maple glazed apples and toasted almonds.
Diese Quinoa Bowl beinhaltet alle Zutaten, die ihr braucht um den Herbst gesund zu überstehen. Kürbis, Spinat, Rotkohl, Birne und Avocado, dazu ein Ahornsirup-Zimt-Yoghurt Dressing.
This quinoa bowl has got all the ingredients you need in order to survive this autumn and stay healthy. Pumpkin, spinach, red cabbage, pear and avocado with a maple-cinnamon-yoghurt dressing.